The Prince and the Flapper: The Romance of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Joan Crawford

F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, “Joan Crawford is doubtless the best example of the flapper, the girl you see at smart nightclubs, gowned to the apex of sophistication, toying iced glasses with a remote, faintly bitter expression, dancing deliciously, laughing a great deal, with wide, hurtful eyes. Young things with a talent for living.”1 We see this Joan Crawford burst onto screen, madly dancing the Charleston, in Our Dancing Daughters in 1928. The following year, we watch as she falls in love with the crown Prince of Hollywood, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in Our Modern Maidens, a sequel to Our Dancing Daughters. For movie fans, it was a match made in heaven, the perfect Hollywood romance, the true love story of a prince and a flapper.



On an October night in the fall of 1927, Joan Crawford laid eyes on the young and dashingly handsome Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles. Fairbanks was starring in a play called Young Woodley, hoping it would lead to better job offers in the film industry. It had only been four years since Fairbanks entered the world of film and the offers he received had been far and few between. While the play did lead to more offers, it also led to a new chapter in Fairbanks’ life. As fate would have it, on that opening night in 1927 Fairbanks’ starring role in Young Woodley led to one of Hollywood’s greatest romances.

In 1930s Los Angeles, the Belasco Theater was the place to be and the opening night of Young Woodley was publicized as being the social event of the season. Hollywood’s reigning King and Queen, Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., and Mary Pickford, were to be in attendance. As was the great comedian Charlie Chaplin. Joan Crawford, never one to shy away from publicity and the opportunity to advance her fame, made sure that she was in the audience that night. In 1927, Crawford was still a relatively new star on the scene. She was signed by MGM in 1925 and spent much of her first year playing small roles where she received no billing. Through her own self-promotion and better screen roles, Crawford turned herself into a star. Her role in Our Dancing Daughters in 1928 would solidify her as one of MGM’s greatest stars. But on the opening night of Young Woodley in 1927, she was sitting just on the brink of her super stardom.

On that evening, it is unlikely that Crawford realized just how famous she was to become in the near future as she sat in the dark theatre watching Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. What she certainly did realize was that the young man on the stage had captured her interest. Margaret Reid, a writer for Picture-Play Magazine, explained, “The night I saw him on the stage, Joan Crawford, swathed in white fox, sat alone in an upper box, following his performance spellbound, sending optic messages down to him.”2 After the performance, Crawford hand-delivered a hand-written message to the young Fairbanks. She congratulated him on his performance and asked for a signed photo and a telephone call, if he should be so inclined. Fairbanks later wrote, “Imagine! Me! A note from Joan Crawford!3

Needless to say, Fairbanks did not hesitate to call upon the budding star. On their first meeting, Fairbanks asked Crawford for an autographed photo in return. Crawford inscribed the photo, “‘To Douglas, May this be the start of a beautiful friendship. Joan.'”4 According to Motion Picture Classic, the two went for a ride the evening after the play and told each other everything there was to know about one another. Fairbanks passionately remarked, “And suddenly I wished that opening night – all the applause, the calls for speech, the cheers of the motion picture celebrities could happen again just so Joan could see it once more. I wanted to appear big, to make good for Joan Crawford.”5 The two love birds quickly found themselves falling head over heels for one another as they began to see each other more and more. Fairbanks described their love by insisting, “It was sort of love at first sight.”6


In 1929, Hollywood capitalized on the love of Doug and Joan by giving him a role in Our Modern Maidens alongside Crawford. It was her first starring role and he was to play her love interest. Knowing it would amount to great publicity, MGM borrowed Fairbanks from First National to play the part of Gil. Fairbanks later described it as a, “good exploitation stunt” and admitted that he and Joan felt like, “commercialized puppets” even though it was fun to work together.7 Either way, the movie was a smash hit and solidified Crawford’s stardom. (Click below to watch a clip)


On the 3rd of June in 1929, Fairbanks and Crawford were married in a small ceremony at the Saint Malachy’s Roman Catholic Church. Fairbanks was only nineteen years old at the time and four years younger than Crawford (or five depending on your source). The ceremony was simple and not at all the glamorous event that one would expect from the two stars. However, none of that mattered to the starry-eyed lovers. Fairbanks wrote, “For two youngsters already over their heads in the choppy waters of life in a huge goldfish bowl, it was a never-to-be-forgotten day. We were relieved and happy. We were truly married. And we lived happily . . . for a while.”8


Despite their deep love for one another, Fairbanks’ family wasn’t too keen on the idea of him marrying Crawford. Especially at so young of an age. Fairbanks, Sr. referred to the romance as an, “‘overexploited affair'”9 and his mother called Crawford, “‘my son’s current chorus-girl fling.'”10 But Fairbanks said to Hell with his family’s protests and married her anyway. He later admitted, “The opposition of my family actually had much less to do with the unsuitability of glamorous movie-star Joan Crawford as my future wife than it had to do with my youth.”11

At the time there was, and still is, a lot of speculation on whether Joan Crawford used Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., as an instrument to advance her own career. After all, he was the crown Prince of Hollywood and an invitation to Pickfair (the home of Fairbanks, Sr., and Mary Pickford) could only be beneficial to a rising star. Receiving an invite to Pickfair was important in the early days of Hollywood. Many believed that you had really made it once you attended an event there. In fact, Crawford even gave credit to Pickfair for being influential in transforming herself into a proper, sophisticated woman. She was quoted as saying, “‘I was out to tear up the world in the fastest, brashest, quickest way possible. And then I saw myself through the Pickfair eyes, and every last bit of my self-confidence dropped away from me. Shyness overwhelmed me, and I got a terrific inferiority complex. Immediately, I set out to change myself in every way.'”12


Joan Crawford, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Mary Pickford at Pickfair. Source: (Academy Collection)

It took awhile for Crawford to receive an invitation to Pickfair after she married Fairbanks. When the young couple finally were invited to Pickfair, Doug and Joan were both understandably nervous. Crawford received a warm welcome from Doug’s stepmother, Mary Pickford. Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., on the other hand, was not feeling quite as warm toward the new star but did his best not to show it. In a famous Pickfair story, Fairbanks, Sr. lashed out on Doug after he and Joan had been canoodling in the dark corner of the movie room. After the incident, the couple was not invited back to Pickfair for some time. Fairbanks confirms, “In any case, it was some time before we were asked to see a movie at Pickfair again – and when at last we were, we took good care to sit well apart from each other.”13

Despite skepticism from Fairbanks’ family, movie fans could not get enough of the love birds.  The couple received an extensive amount of publicity. Throughout my research I’ve encountered an overwhelming number of articles on the couple. Fan magazines ran pieces on them regularly and even had them write their own pieces (if we are to trust the often unreliable fan magazines of the day). In a 1931 Screenland article titled “Married the Modern Way,” Crawford describes their marriage:

All our world knows I love Doug. We study together, we work together; pray together, play together, and love together. We admire and respect each other’s ability and are proud of each other’s success. Doug has developed such charm! He is so versatile in his talents. Oh no – we shall never be divorced. We understand each other too well.14

Based on these countless articles, one would believe that the two were soulmates that would last until death do them part. But the Hollywood ending was not in the cards for Fairbanks and Crawford. The couple began to have problems fairly early on in their marriage. At first, their problems weren’t blatantly obvious to Fairbanks or Crawford. They were no longer talking to each other in baby voices or using cute nicknames (Joan was called “Billie” and Doug was called “Dodo”). The extravagant gift giving that took place early in the marriage had also tapered off. Fairbanks wrote, “There were no rows that I recall. If Billie was studying lines or otherwise preoccupied, I tried to write. A sort of doldrums or marital torpor seemed to be setting in.”15

All of this seemed perfectly natural. The honeymoon phase was not meant to last and it seemed normal that husband and wife would settle into the married life routine. However, warning signs were beginning to appear. Fairbanks remembers Joan leaving for the studio an hour early and staying an hour late and even working on her days off. These things did not raise a red flag in Fairbanks’ mind at the time as Crawford was known for being one of the hardest working women in the industry. However, as the two began to drift further apart, it became more apparent that something wasn’t quite right. And indeed it wasn’t. Crawford had begun a love affair with Clark Gable that would become one of Hollywood’s worst kept secrets.

Around this time, Crawford was chosen to play Sadie Thompson in Rain, a role that she was determined to do justice. She immersed herself into the role and told Fairbanks that she needed to be alone to concentrate on her performance. She moved into a bungalow on Catalina Island where the film was being made. When she returned home after the film was made, her mood seemed refreshed and she was finally ready to go on the honeymoon she and Fairbanks had put off since their marriage in 1929. Unbeknownst to Fairbanks, Louis B. Mayer was growing fearful of the Crawford-Gable love affair becoming public and leading to a scandal. During this period studios fought tooth and nail to avoid scandals involving their stars and Mayer refused to let one of his biggest stars fall victim to one. He offered Crawford and Fairbanks the honeymoon as a belated wedding gift to prove to the world that the young couple was still very much in love.16 The two headed for Europe in June of 1932 and had a wonderful time. Or at least that’s what Fairbanks thought. He later explained:

She hated it all! She put on a brave, well-trained smiling face, said the right words of gratitude, but she was really only peripherally interested. She felt, she confessed, like a fish out of water, gasping for breath, longing for something familiar to cling to. She would have been, she said, just as content to read about these things – and, anyway, the pictures she’d seen seemed better than the real things! She was so frightened and felt so alien, that it was like a bad dream. All she wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible – home to the United States, home to California, home not to Cielito Lindo [the name of their home], but to the Culver City and MGM studios, home to the security of what she could recognize, home to her work. So home we went – ahead of schedule. She didn’t return for years.17


Doug and Joan on their honeymoon. Source: (x)

Fairbanks and Crawford continued to drift further apart after the honeymoon. She moved to a cottage in Malibu and refused to tell him where she was staying. Fairbanks wrote, “It was hard to find time or reason to be together. We had become familiar strangers, helpless to prevent our relationship’s slide from intense romance into even easy companionship. Whatever emotions or thoughts we once had in common had been fogged over and lost.”18 The two officially separated when Crawford re-appeared at their home and accused Fairbanks of carrying-on with other women. She decided they would live under the same roof but would lead separate lives for the time being. She still claimed to have hopes of saving the marriage. Articles flooded the fan magazines with sad stories of the couple’s separation. Crawford played the part of the lonely bride desperately trying to hold on to her marriage and save it from the impending doom.


Fan magazines mourn the separation of Fairbanks and Crawford. Source: (x)

After a long day of shooting in 1933, Fairbanks was undressing in his dressing room past midnight. His agent, Mike Levee, knocked on the door and attempted to make small talk. Fairbanks knew it was odd for his agent to be visiting him at such an hour and finally got Levee to splurge on why he was really there. Levee informed Fairbanks that he would be staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel that night because Joan was throwing him out of the house. She had arranged to have all his belongings taken to a room at the hotel and changed her private phone number. The news blindsided Fairbanks. As he headed back onto set to shoot an intense storm scene for The Narrow Corner, he pondered what had just happened. He wrote, “What the hell had happened? Billie had thrown me out of our house – just like that. No warning. No discussion. No row – not recently anyway. If anything, the atmosphere at home had seemed a little more relaxed and even, at times, friendly.”19 Before he could even discuss the issue with her, Fairbanks read about their separation in the Examiner. Louella Parson’s quoted Joan’s announcement of their “amicable separation.” Divorce was now inevitable.

Not long after, Fairbanks learned the truth behind their separation. Crawford had spent the last two years of their marriage in the arms of Clark Gable. Those long days and nights when Joan would arrive at the studio early and stay late and even work on her days off now made sense to Doug. The surprises continued as the details of their affair emerged. Fairbanks explained, “I was additionally surprised to learn that one of Joan’s and Clark’s favorite trysting places at the studio was the charmingly decorated, very comfortable portable dressing room I had given her as a wedding present – and had only recently finished paying for.”20 In his characteristically gallant style, Fairbanks goes on to defend Gable, referring to him as a nice guy and admitting that he couldn’t blame Gable for what happened.

Fairbanks and Crawford had come a long way since that night at the Belasco Theatre. Fairbanks had finally made it in the film industry and had been moderately successful and Crawford had finally reached the superstar status that she worked so hard to achieve. On April 29, 1933, Crawford filed for divorce and a year later it became finalized, ending the great love affair of the early 1930s.

The two met again for the first time in many years after Fairbanks returned home from the war in Europe. Fairbanks had just been formally demobilized and ordered to return to wearing civilian clothes. He attended a large dance with his new wife, Mary Lee, when he locked eyes with the glamorous Joan Crawford. With arms wide open and a beaming smile, she came floating across the room toward Fairbanks. He expected a welcome home and a warm embrace from his former wife but was instead met with the same self-serving Joan Crawford that he knew years ago. Fairbanks remembered, “She embraced me warmly and then as she pulled back she repeated gleefully, ‘Darling! I suppose you haven’t heard – you don’t know – I’m no longer with MGM. I’m with Warner Brothers now!'” He reflected, “It was good to be home. Little had changed.”21

In those few years, as the 1920s roared into the 30s, Fairbanks and Crawford stood as symbols of Hollywood romance. Theirs was a story that not even a screenwriter could have written better. A young starlet, born into a poor family in Texas had launched onto the flickering screen of the Jazz Age and fallen madly in love with the son of Hollywood royalty. Their love story was the perfect fairy tale romance of a flapper and a prince.


Source: (x)


This piece was written for The Star-Studded Couple Blogathon hosted by Phyllis Loves Classic Movies (click below to go to the blogathon!)





  1. “F. Scott Fitzgerald: Biography,” IMDb. <IMDb;
  2. Margaret Reid, “Don’t let his smile fool you,” Picture-Play Magazine, June 1928, 107.
  3. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., The Salad Days: An Autobiography (New York: Doubleday, 1988), 122.
  4. Ibid, 122.
  5. Ruth Biery, “For the Love of Joan,” Motion Picture Classic, February 1929, 37.
  6. Ibid, 37.
  7. Fairbanks, The Salad Days, 146.
  8. Ibid, 144.
  9. Ibid, 132.
  10. Ibid, 133.
  11. Ibid, 141.
  12. Donald Spoto, Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford (New York: itbooks, 2010), 71.
  13. Fairbanks, The Salad Days, 134.
  14. Sydney Valentine, “Married the Modern Way: Joan Crawford on the Love and Marriage Problems of the Modern Girl,” Screenland, October 1931, 21.
  15. Fairbanks, The Salad Days, 173.
  16. Spoto, Possessed, 99.
  17. Fairbanks, The Salad Days, 190.
  18. Ibid, 199.
  19. Ibid, 203.
  20. Ibid, 208.
  21. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., A Hell of a War (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), 267.

32 thoughts on “The Prince and the Flapper: The Romance of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Joan Crawford

  1. Great article!!! I am embarrassed to admit I know nothing about Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. The only film of his I have seen is “Gunga Din” and that was so long ago I don’t remember his role at all – only that he was the third person along with Grant and McLaglen. I didn’t even know it had Joan Fontaine in it till recently! It’s been sitting by my bed for a few months but I still haven’t re-watched it.

    It’s so sad when love doesn’t work out or when people use marriage to further their personal interests. And I wish we could know exactly how much truth was in all those old articles!! I was just thinking the other day that someone should publish a book series that compiles ALL of those old articles so that fans could read them today!

    I’m so glad I didn’t live in the 20s/30s! The way they drove those cars is terrifying!!!! 😉

    Thanks so much for this fantastic post for the blogathon!! It was an enjoyable read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading! Don’t be embarrassed about not knowing anything about Fairbanks, Jr. Until I discovered him I hadn’t known anything either. It’s a huge reason I am so fascinated by him! My goal is to stir up interest. 🙂

      I completely agree that it would be awesome to have a book that compiles old fan magazine articles. I get so lost in them when I find one to read. They are fascinating!

      Thank you again for reading! 🙂


      • Really wonderful article and exceptionally fine photos accompanying it. Thank you!
        I just finished Joan Crawford’s Autobiography and am now reading a book on the Joan & Bette Feud so of course this romance is referenced in both books. I think maybe today might be DFJ’s birthday because Turner Classic Movies showed 3 of his films which I’ve just re-watched. And they’re terrific. I can really understand Crawford’s falling for him. So tall, so handsome, so totally charming. I’m looking forward to exploring more of your blog. So glad I found it. Thank you again.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I’m glad you got to check out his films on TCM today. That was a real treat to have three back-to-back! Joan is a fascinating person to read about. Even though their romance wasn’t meant to be, it sure made for a great Hollywood love story. I’m happy you be enjoyed my blog so far and I hope you will learn more about the dashing DFJ from it. Thanks again for checking it out! 🙂


      • Thank you! I’ve always been struck by how genuinely kind Fairbanks seemed, in his autobiography and in public appearances. He didn’t seem to hold grudges, even at people who probably really hurt him. When I read his autobiography, he came across as a “live and let live” kind of guy, which I really admire. It’s interesting how long the Crawford-Gable romance went on, isn’t it? I’ve always wondered how Franchot felt about it, especially starring in two films with them where Gable gets Crawford and Franchot does not…he must have known it was going on and it must have been very hard. I especially think of it when you see the publicity photos and movie posters of Dancing Lady and Love on the Run where Clark and Joan are embracing in the center and there’s a little Franchot in the background. I know Franchot and Joan loved each other very much, but I’m wondering how they dealt with those movies and the real life affair between Clark and Joan. Those two films must have rubbed it a bit in Franchot’s face if he was aware of it (I can’t see how he could not be aware), but he never said anything about it and never said anything negative about Gable.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I agree completely about Fairbanks. He knew so many huge stars that he probably could gossip about and he never did in a negative way. I was also thinking the same thing about Joan starring in so many movies with Clark while being married to Franchot. I’m surprised he wasn’t a source of conflict between Joan and Franchot. But maybe he was secure enough in himself and their relationship. It’s good to know that he was decent too and didn’t speak negatively of Gable.


    • Thank you so much for reading! There are certainly aspects that make it seem as though he were played. Either that or they were just both young and naive. Nonetheless, I am a fan of both of them. I’m glad you are learning something about DFJ through my blog!


    • Thank you tons for reading! He most definitely did haha he was quite a ladies man. Also, I love that Chaplin and Doug, Jr. got along really well. I think he was fairly influential in Doug’s early life.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful article! It was almost a scientific piece!
    Well, I’ve always had much more sympathy for Doug than for Joan. I don’t know if hse used him to achieve stardom, but I think she was much more focused on her career than on the marriage. But I can’t blame: I have no idea what I’d do if I were in her place.
    Don’t forget to read my contribution to the blogathon! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for reading! I too have more sympathy for him even though I love Joan too. He just seemed young and naive and she definitely was more focused on her career which is admirable but can also be problematic at times. And I definitely will read yours! I’m making my way through the contributions. Thanks again! 🙂


  3. Whoa, fabulous post! I’m slowly getting into Jr.’s films and so far I really like what I see. Everything I’ve read about him makes him sound like such a darling. I like Crawford as an actress, but I have a much harder time liking her as a person, and her marriage to Doug is one of the reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading! He truly was a rare breed in Hollywood with how kind he was. He was never involved in any kind of scandals or anything. I agree about Crawford. She’s a fantastic actress but she’s definitely a tough personality. Thanks again for reading and commenting!


  4. I have no idea how anyone could have an affair behind the back of such a kind and handsome fellow as Fairbanks Jr. Maybe his father and step mother saw something that they were distrustful of.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Happy 107th Birthday to Douglas Fairbanks Jr: Here’s 50 Fun Facts about the Prince of Hollywood – Prince of Hollywood

  6. I Did a filmed interview with Fairbanks in 1992, for a film I was making on Hollywood social life during its golden age. He was still handsome, beautifully dressed, charming, and a great raconteur.
    And I really appreciated your article.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I appreciate you sharing your personal story. Everyone I’ve talked to who interviewed or worked with him has had nothing but kind things to say about him. He truly was a class act. Is that interview or film available to watch anywhere? I would love to see it!


      • I am sorry for taking so long to answer your e-mail. At this time I do not have a DVD of the film, in which I interviewed Fairbanks, but when I do, I will send you a copy. The whole interview is at at the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Science, plus the hours of home films taken by Fairbanks, and given to the Academy by his widow.

        Sincerely Gary Conklin 626 592 5512

        Sent from my iPad


        Liked by 1 person

  7. A very wonderful article on Fairbanks Jr! I very much enjoyed how you seem to capture more “his side” of the story since there is endless excess on Crawford. Not that i dislike her nor do i really blame her entirely for their marriage failing, she once said they were both just “kids” starting out, and that may have very been true for both in 1927, how you pointed out she was unknowingly on the verge of super-stardom and he was trying to get a stronger foothold in Hollywood.

    I think they just got bored with each other, her more with him than he with her, for she was also to have stated that she had forgotten that Doug Jr married Joan the showgirl the carefree flapper, not the pretender to the thrown that Crawford herself felt compelled to be after being seen thru the Fairbanks and other Hollywood elite. I think that was the undoing of their marriage, they became mismatched after a while, which is sad because they made a very youthful smart beautiful couple back then.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree completely. I think they just grew apart and were not a good fit for one another. But what a romance for the era! He definitely went on to find his better half in Mary Lee. Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts! I very much appreciate it.


  8. Thank you so much for your fantastic article! The extras of the photos and clip of our dancing daughters. I was first struck by DFB Jr in AWomanOf Affairs with Garbo.. There is a magnetism about him that is so delicious. Desperate to see those early films.. Have they been restored do you know?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for reading and for your kind words! So many of his early films are lost with a few surviving in archives but not on home video release. For early films that are available, I recommend ‘The Power of the Press’ 1928, ‘The Dawn Patrol’ 1930′, ‘Loose Ankles’ 1930, ‘I Like Your Nerve’ 1931, ‘Chances’ 1931, ‘Love is a Racket’ 1932, and ‘Union Depot’ 1932. I’d pretty much recommend any of his 1930s films. He’s also cute in ‘Stella Dallas’ 1925. He was only 16!


  9. from what I’ve read, Crawford was FAR from young, inexperienced or naive…there were supposedly blue films of her before she became famous which she was worried would come out and she definitely used Fairbanks and others to further her career…not a nice person, with a lot of issues. I feel for Fairbanks bc I think he was used and he seemed a genuine kind person.


  10. Pingback: Swashbuckling Facts About Douglas Fairbanks Jr., The Prince Of Hollywood

  11. Pingback: But Would They Really Go Back to the Jazz Age? - Smart Digital Skills

  12. Pingback: But Would They Really Go Back to the Jazz Age? –

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